Top 3 Kitchen counter top de-clutter routines.

De-clutter- one of the top recommendations that all professional home stagers and realtors give to their clients before they put the property on the market.

1.  You may keep 2 or 3 kitchen small kitchen appliances on the counters. Put the rest away -pack them in the box or put them in the cabinets.It takes 2 seconds to take them out if you need them.

2. Go through the mail and sort the junk mail daily.Put them into the recycling bin the second after you have read them. Or you will be stuck with them for a week or so.

3. Make time to review all the crafts and drawings your kids do on a regular basis. Keep the best art in the box and the rest- take pictures and create a photo album of them. This way you can have them all, but with less space needed!counter-water


You will be surprised how clean and spacious your kitchen is (even if it is not a very big one)!
